• Swiper.js component with some layout fixes

    I’ve created a Webflow swiper component that you can copy directly to any Webflow project. I’ve applied some fixes to the layout in some edge cases that I normally encounter. To copy the component and read the instructions GO TO THIS SNIPPET. There are 2 custom features that I’ve added to the setup so the…

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  • Add swiper slider to Powerful Rich Text from Finsweet

    In a recent project I had to implement custom components inside a Rich text field. One of the components was a slider, with images from a Multi-image field from the CMS. With the Finsweet Powerful Rich Text we pull the components from the page into the rich text field. But the slider didn’t work, because…

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  • Translating Woocommerce, themes and plugins with Poedit

    Recently I’ve come across the need to translate a custom theme file and it’s plugins. Initially I had issues where the translations did not work, but at the end I found out a way to translate all the strings and add new ones if needed. Debugging translation errors I suggest installing the plugin – Debug…

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  • Blurry images in Webflow on mobile or desktop

    Sometimes we have issues when we want to display crisp client images in our Webflow projects. It is an annoying bug that is hard to debug and is triggered by a specific layout structure. The blurred images can have many causes, when we detect them we should go through the below list which helped me…

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  • How to implement svg icons in a Shopify theme

    Here is in my opinion the best way to organise and implement svg icons in a Shopify theme. Everything is kept in one file with the possibility of adding or updating new icons. To achieve this we will be using the Shopify snippets directory. By default Shopify Dawn theme has every icon as a separate…

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  • Disable scrolling to the gallery on variant change in Shopify Dawn theme

    Dawn theme in Shopify by default changes the order of images depending on the variant selection and automatically scrolls to the gallery container. This all works great but on mobile it scrolls the user to the top and the user has to scroll back down if he wants to select another variant or add to…

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  • How to separate CSS styles between the frontend of a Webflow site and editor

    Using this technique proves useful when building page transitions between Webflow pages, or custom preload elements that should be visible when the page loads. The issue when doing smooth transitions on a page is the initial state of the element. We want to set the initial state with CSS because that gets loaded with the…

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  • Create a smooth scroll to link in Webflow

    Creating a smooth scroll animation when clicking on anchor links is pretty easy in Webflow with a little help of JavaScript code and custom webflow attributes. The code that we’re going to write will use attributes that are set inside Webflow on multiple links. First we add a custom attribute to the anchor link with the…

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  • How to add current year in Webflow

    Most of the time we want to set something in Webflow and let it automatically update i.e. the copyright year. This is easily achievable with some vanilla JavaScript code tied to an ID set in Webflow designer. First we create a custom tag or Text block element and add a unique ID in our example the…

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  • Joomla Module placement in Articles, Categories or Templates

    Sometimes we need to place a module in between our Article or Category text, or render a module outside of the index.php file. Joomla is very flexible and enables us to position the modules where we need it, we just have to know how. There are multiple ways on how to include modules in different…

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  • Scheduled Joomla backups with Akeeba Remote CLI

    When I started to build Joomla websites, backups never were a priority on my list. Foolishly relying on the shared hosting backups, got me burned a couple of times. They say that you learn from mistakes and that’s exactly what I did. I stopped relying on the backups from shared hosts, especially the cheaper ones.…

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